

In 2019-2020, I led design for Facebook's Partnerships Marketing org to enable the launch and adoption of the Facebook company brand across business units as diverse as Developers, Gamers, Creators, Community Partnerships, Education and more. This was a massive company-wide effort and thus everything shared in this section is a result of unprecedented teamwork. In early stages when the branding principles were incomplete, I visualized the real-world implications of the new brand architecture principles so we could determine if they needed to be modified. I created mocks using principles laid out for the new brand to check their validity for day-to-day use, led office hours to explain to various business units how the new branding would apply to them, consulted with design agencies, gave feedback to Saffron (the external agency partner for the brand refresh) as well as to Future Brands, our agency partner for building strategy and co-branding guidelines. I worked with Buck, the agency that created our new illustration system and with Human After All for presentation templates development. I also created various standards like the company multipage template, email and newsletter templates, and sub-brand presentation template. This work helped the Brand team lay out guidance for scaling the typography system. I also worked extensively with Facebook for Developers, Facebook for Education, and Facebook Audience Network in building their websites in the new brand, and create templates and photography banks for them.